Are you currently in the market for a reliable and efficient web host? If this is your first time to put up your website, it is important for you to do some research before signing up with a web hosting company. You will be bombarded with so many companies to choose from that you might find it difficult to know which one suits your needs best. How do you know for sure that you can truly count on a particular web hosting company?
Qualities of the Best Web Hosting Companies
1.) Reliability
Having a strong online presence is essential for the success of your business. This is the fastest and most cost-effective way for you to reach thousands of Internet users all over the world. This is the reason why you would always want your website to be functioning properly at all times.
How do you know that you are looking at a reliable web host? Check if they have a good number of customers because that means they are doing their job of hosting these websites well. Check for a guaranteed uptime and research about complaints against the company.
2.) Speed
If your pages are loading slowly, your viewers might end up closing the window altogether and checking out your competitor's website instead. You want your website to be blazing fast to keep your viewers happy. The easiest way to know if a particular web host can give you the speed that you need is by checking out their website and their customer's websites and see how fast they load.
3.) Substantial bandwidth and disk space.
Your website should be able to withstand heavy traffic going to it. What happens if there is too much traffic and your website cannot stand it anymore? It crashes and that will cause you an enormous problem. Make sure that you go for a web host that will provide you with the bandwidth that you need.
Are you going to be uploading videos, music and photos to your website? Make sure that your web host can provide you with the space that you need to store and process all these data without slowing down your website.
1&1 Web Hosting
One of the few web hosting companies that have earned high praises from the industry is 1&1 Web Hosting. Currently serving over 12.37 million customers all over the world, 1&1 proves to be the leader in innovation and quality in the web hosting industry. If you are looking for an affordable yet reliable web host that you can count on, 1&1 is your best bet.
One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a web host is that it should be able to answer your company's specific needs. This gives 1&1 Web Hosting an edge because the company tailor fits their product's features to give you solutions that suit your needs perfectly. If you are in need of a variety of design tools, 1&1 Web Hosting provides you with professional web design software through the 1&1 Website builder. You are provided excellent access to dynamic content and image library so that there is always something fresh and exciting on your website.
If your concern is the security of your data as well as the data that your customers encode onto your website, 1&1 Web Hosting provides you with the maximum security that you need. Your website is hosted across multiple servers in two different data centers and in two geographic locations. Does your web developer have a lot of requirements for your website? 1&1 Web Hosting is one of those rare companies that allow developers ultimate freedom. This web host supports a number of developer tools and scripting languages to give you endless possibilities with your website. They also offer a 2GB Ram guaranteed so that you and your viewers experience maximum performance even during peak times.
Most web hosting review sites have also praised 1&1 for their affordable packages and prices. Whether you are a blogger who wants to get your message out across or you are a startup entrepreneur who wants to start selling online, or you are a multi-national company who wants to continue reaching out to thousands of Internet users worldwide, 1&1 provides you with unique solutions and topnotch customer service that you can always count on.
Updated: Friday, 5 June 2015 4:46 PM EDT
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